Evolutionary Spirituality vs. Ecospirituality: Exploring Two Scientific Paths to Spiritual Connection

In a world increasingly focused on the intersection of spirituality and the natural world, evolutionary spirituality and ecospirituality stand out as two compelling frameworks. Both offer pathways to deeper connection and understanding of our place in the universe, yet they emerge from different roots and emphasize distinct aspects of the Continue Reading

Evolutionary Spirituality: A New Frontier for Spiritual Exploration

In an era where science and spirituality often seem at odds, evolutionary spirituality offers a unique synthesis—a new frontier for spiritual exploration and a shelter of belonging. Rooted in a science-based systems view of evolutionary history, this emerging belief system provides a profound and integrative way of thinking and being Continue Reading

The Formations of a Spiritual Society

Egalitarianism was the chosen mold for society throughout most of our evolutionary history because it maintains both the individual and social levels better than the alternatives. (as previously published in the online magazine This View of Life) Can society be constructed in a spiritual way? By this, I should clarify, Continue Reading

The Key to a Happy Marriage is to Put Your Spouse’s Happiness Above Your Own.

They say a “happy wife equals a happy life”. I don’t know who they are, but it’s 2023. I shouldn’t assume. What matters is that they know their math (or “maths” for my friends suffering from an acute case of Britishness). Yesterday, after fervent hesitation and several intentional “delay of Continue Reading

The Greatest Scientific Discoveries You’ve Never Heard Of: MLS Theory and the Gaia

Biology, more so than any other science, typically shapes how we perceive and interact with the world around us. How we think about biological things directly affects and largely determines how we think about ourselves and our relationships with other people, to plants, to animals, or to nature more generally. Continue Reading

The Indigenous Notions of Kincentricity and Reciprocity: The Keys To Sustainability and Climate Change

(Published in the online magazine This View of Life) The co-founder of the NRDC and environmental advocate Gus Speth once famously quipped, “I thought that with 30 years of good science we could address those problems. But I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed and apathy… and Continue Reading