When Charles Darwin first put pen to paper on On the Origin of Species, he had no way of knowing that his theory of natural selection would go on to …
John Adams once wrote: “I must study Politicks and War that my sons may have liberty to study Mathematicks and Philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and Philosophy, Geography, …
Don’t get it twisted. Trump and the Republicans did not win the 2024 election as much as the Democrats lost it, as they have done repeatedly throughout my lifetime. This …
At some point in our not-too-distant evolutionary past, we forgot who we were. Or, perhaps more precisely, we started believing in something that never was. The grand myth of human …
Chapter: “Genetic Evolvability: Using a Restricted Pluralism to Tidy up the Evolvability Concept”
Link to a downloadable PDF – Genetic Evolvability: Using a Restricted Pluralism to Tidy up the Evolvability Concept Chapter Summary: Advances in the empirical sectors of biology are beginning to …
In 1987, Gus Speth—a founder of the Natural Resources Defense Council—believed that climate change, ecosystem collapse, and biodiversity loss were the greatest threats to the planet. Thirty years later, he …
The title says it all. People who proudly label themselves pronatalists—those who believe we should have as many children as possible to “save civilization”—are some of the most delusional, self-absorbed …
There exists one and only one solution to climate change. This is not hyperbole. This is realism in its entirety. Every other proposed solution is a half-measure to the defining …
To the vagabond, To the derelict, To those labeled insane or crazed Whose frame of mind is lucid We are the ones to whom others hold dear, Long after our …