To the vagabond,
To the derelict,
To those labeled insane or crazed
Whose frame of mind is lucid
We are the ones to whom others hold dear,
Long after our own appraisal
We are the ones that notice the ripple
Before it reverberates through in tides
We are the forebears who live on
Immortalized by thought
We are the ones who know the truth
Before the truth presents itself to man
We are the ones who cut through the shrubbery
And forge the way of masses
We are the ones that set fire to enflame,
And build anew from the ashes
For the pen is our brush, paper our easel, and mind the hand of God.
“To The Vagabond” is a tribute to the misunderstood visionaries, wanderers, and rebels who walk the fringes of society. It celebrates their clarity of thought, their ability to perceive the unseen, and their role as harbingers of change. Through vivid imagery and reflective verses, it portrays these individuals as creators, destroyers, and rebuilders—those who spark revolutions and pave the way for humanity’s progress. Their legacy is immortalized through the power of their minds and words, as they wield creativity like divine force, shaping the world anew.